GoT Timeline

House Tully born
House Bolton born or notable ally
House Stark born or notable ally
House Greyjoy born or notable ally
House Martell born or notable ally
House Tyrell born
House Baratheon born or notable ally
Miscellaneous Essos masters and rulers
House Tarly born or notable ally
Wildlings & Free Folk
White Walkers
House Targaryen born or notable ally
House Lannister born or notable ally
Miscellaneous Westeros highborn
Vowed member of the Night's Watch
No alliance or switched between allegiances


Character Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6 Season 7 Season 8
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 801 802 803 804 805 806
House Baratheon
King Robert Baratheon 

Robert was born into House Baratheon


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Robert was fatally wounded by a boar on a hunting trip. It is implied that Lancel Lannister was purposely getting him drunk on the trip so his inhibitions and dexterity would be lowered.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Robert was fatally wounded by a boar on a hunting trip. It is implied that Lancel Lannister was purposely getting him drunk on the trip so his inhibitions and dexterity would be lowered.

💍 Cersei Lannister
King Joffrey Baratheon 

Joffrey was born into House Baratheon


When he was named King, Joffrey modified the House Baratheon sigil to contain the lion from House Lannister


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Joffrey was poisoned at his wedding reception by Lady Olenna Tyrell.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Joffrey was poisoned at his wedding reception by Lady Olenna Tyrell.

💍 Margaery
King Tommen Baratheon 

Tommen was born into House Baratheon


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Distraught over his mother's actions and the death of his wife, Tommen kills himself by jumping out of his bedroom window.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Distraught over his mother's actions and the death of his wife, Tommen kills himself by jumping out of his bedroom window.

💍 Margaery 💍 Margaery 💍 Margaery Tyrell 💍 Marg 💍 Marg 💍 Marg ☠️
Princess Myrcella Baratheon 

Myrcella was born into House Baratheon


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Ellaria Sand poisons Myrcella as revenge for the Lannisters causing Oberyn's death.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Ellaria Sand poisons Myrcella as revenge for the Lannisters causing Oberyn's death.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Jaime Lannister and Tommen Baratheon view Myrcella's corpse at her funeral.

King Renly Baratheon 

Renly was born into House Baratheon.


Renly personalized the Baratheon sigil when he became King.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Renly was killed by "a shadow with the face of Stannis Baratheon" sent by Melisandre.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Renly was killed by "a shadow with the face of Stannis Baratheon" sent by Melisandre.

💍 Margaery
Gendry Baratheon 

Gendry was birth a bastard of House Baratheon. His born father is King Robert Baratheon.


In S08E04, Daenerys Targaryen legitimizes Gendry into House Baratheon of Storm's End and names him Lord of Storm's End.

King Stannis Baratheon 

Stannis was born into House Baratheon. He hails specifically from the House Baratheon of Dragonstone.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
While Stannis is wounded after battling Bolton's army, Brienne of Tarth kills him as revenge for using blood magic to kill Renly Baratheon.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
While Stannis is wounded after battling Bolton's army, Brienne of Tarth kills him as revenge for using blood magic to kill Renly Baratheon.

💍 Selyse 💍 Selyse 💍 Selyse Baratheon 💍 Sel 💍 Sel 💍 Sel 💍 Sel 💍 Selyse 💍 Sel 💍 Selyse Baratheon 💍 Sel 💍 Selyse ☠️
Queen Selyse Baratheon 

Selyse was born into House Florent


Selyse married into House Baratheon when she married Stannis Baratheon


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Selyse hangs herself in the woods after regretting sacrificing her daughter to the God of Light.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Selyse hangs herself in the woods after regretting sacrificing her daughter to the God of Light.

💍 Stan 💍 Stan 💍 Stan 💍 Stan 💍 Stannis 💍 Stannis 💍 Stan ☠️
Princess Shireen Baratheon 

Shireen was born into House Baratheon. Her parents are Stannis and Selyse Baratheon of Dragonstone.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Shireen was burned alive as a sacrifice to the God of Light by her parents and Melisandre.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Shireen was burned alive as a sacrifice to the God of Light by her parents and Melisandre.

House Lannister
Queen Cersei Lannister 

Cersei was born into House Lannister


Cersei married into House Baratheon when she married Robert Baratheon


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Cersei and Jaime Lannister share a final embrace before they are crushed to death in the cellars of the crumbling Red Keep. Tyrion uncovers their bodies in the rubble a shortime later.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Cersei and Jaime Lannister share a final embrace before they are crushed to death in the cellars of the crumbling Red Keep. Tyrion uncovers their bodies in the rubble a shortime later.

💍 Robert Baratheon ☠️
Jaime Lannister 

Jaime was born into House Lannister


Jaime was first named to the Kingsguard under Aerys II Targaryen. He continued to serve under Kings Robert, Joffrey, and Tommen Baratheon. He served as Lord Commander under Joffrey then Tommen, but was dismissed in S06E06 for planning an attack on the Faith.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Cersei and Jaime Lannister share a final embrace before they are crushed to death in the cellars of the crumbling Red Keep. Tyrion uncovers their bodies in the rubble a shortime later.


Bran sees Jaime kill the Mad King in one of his visions.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Cersei and Jaime Lannister share a final embrace before they are crushed to death in the cellars of the crumbling Red Keep. Tyrion uncovers their bodies in the rubble a shortime later.

Tyrion Lannister 

Tyrion was born into House Lannister

💍 Sansa 💍 Sansa Stark 💍 Sansa Stark 💍 Sansa Stark
Lancel Lannister 

Lancel was born into House Lannister


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Lancel is killed at the Sept of Baelor when Cersei Lannister plots to blow it up.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Lancel is killed at the Sept of Baelor when Cersei Lannister plots to blow it up.

Tywin Lannister 

Tywin was born into House Lannister


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Tywin was shot with a crossbow by his son, Tyrion Lannister.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Tywin was shot with a crossbow by his son, Tyrion Lannister.

Kevan Lannister 

Kevan was born into House Lannister


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Kevan is killed at the Sept of Baelor when Cersei Lannister plots to blow it up.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Kevan is killed at the Sept of Baelor when Cersei Lannister plots to blow it up.

Martyn Lannister 

Martyn was born into House Lannister. His father is Kevan Lannister and his brothers are Lancel and Willem Lannister.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Martyn and Willem are taken hostage by House Tully during the War of the Five Kings. Rickard Karstark kills them in their cells as vengeance for Jaime Lannister killing his son.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Martyn and Willem are taken hostage by House Tully during the War of the Five Kings. Rickard Karstark kills them in their cells as vengeance for Jaime Lannister killing his son.

Willem Lannister 

Willem was born into House Lannister. His father is Kevan Lannister and his brothers are Lancel and Willem Lannister.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Martyn and Willem are taken hostage by House Tully during the War of the Five Kings. Rickard Karstark kills them in their cells as vengeance for Jaime Lannister killing his son.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Martyn and Willem are taken hostage by House Tully during the War of the Five Kings. Rickard Karstark kills them in their cells as vengeance for Jaime Lannister killing his son.

House Targaryen
Viserys Targaryen 

Viserys was born into House Targaryen. Daenerys is his sister.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Viserys is killed with a molten "Golden Crown" after insulting Daenerys, Drogo, and the Dothraki.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Viserys is killed with a molten "Golden Crown" after insulting Daenerys, Drogo, and the Dothraki.

Daenerys Targaryen 

Daenerys was born into House Targaryen. Viserys is her brother.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Following Tyrion's advice, Jon Snow kills Daenerys after seeing how tyrannical she has become.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Following Tyrion's advice, Jon Snow kills Daenerys after seeing how tyrannical she has become.

💍 Drogo 💍 Drogo ☠️
Aemon Targaryen 

Aemon was born into House Targaryen. He left his House when he joined the Night's Watch.


Aemon was a Maester in the Night's Watch at Castle Black.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Aemon dies of old age in his sleep at Castle Black.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Aemon dies of old age in his sleep at Castle Black.

House Stark
Ned Stark 

Ned was born into House Stark


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Ned is beheaded under Joffrey's command for initially refusing to acknowledge Joffrey as the rightful King.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Ned is beheaded under Joffrey's command for initially refusing to acknowledge Joffrey as the rightful King.


Bran hears Ned's voice in one of his visions.


Bran sees Ned in one of his visions.


Bran sees a young Ned in one of his visions.


Bran sees a young Ned in one of his visions.


Bran sees a young Ned in one of his visions.


Bran sees a young Ned in one of his visions.

💍 Catelyn Tully-Stark
Catelyn Stark 

Catelyn was born into House Tully


Cately married into House Stark when she married Ned Stark


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Catelyn is killed by Lothar Frey at the Red Wedding where the Boltons and Freys betrayed the Starks.


Bran interacts with Catelyn in one of his visions.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Catelyn is killed by Black Walder during the Red Wedding where the Boltons and Freys betrayed the Starks.


Bran sees Catelyn's death in one of his visions.

💍 Ned Stark 💍 Ned Stark ☠️
Robb Stark 

Robb was born into House Stark


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Robb is killed by Roose Bolton at the Red Wedding where the Boltons and Freys betrayed the Starks.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Robb is killed by Roose Bolton during the Red Wedding where the Boltons and Freys betrayed the Starks.


Bran sees Roose Bolton kill Robb in one of his visions.

💍 Talisa Maegyr 💍 Talisa Maegyr 💍 Talisa
Queen Sansa Stark 

Sansa was born into House Stark


Sansa married into House Lannister when she married Tyrion Lannister


Sansa married into House Bolton when she married Ramsay Bolton.

💍 Tyrion 💍 Tyrion Lannister 💍 Tyrion 💍 Tyrion Lannister 💍 Ramsay Bolton 💍 Ramsay Bolton 💍 Ramsay 💍 Rams 💍 Rams
Arya Stark 

Arya was born into House Stark

Arya Stark is a Faceless Man. She first successfully uses this ability in S05E10.

Brandon "Bran" Stark 

Bran was born into House Stark

Rickon Stark 

Rickon was born into House Stark. His parents are Ned Stark and Catelyn Tully-Stark. His siblings are Robb, Sansa, Arya, and Rickon Stark. Jon Snow is his half brother. Benjen Stark is his uncle.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Rickon is shot down with an arrow by Ramsay Bolton in a sinister game during the Battle of the Bastards.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Rickon is shot down with an arrow by Ramsay Bolton in a sinister game during the Battle of the Bastards.

Benjen Stark 

Benjen was born into House Stark. His brother is Ned Stark.


Benjen denounced ties to any House when he joined the Night's Watch.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Benjen sacrifices himself so Jon Snow can escape the wights beyond the Wall.


☠️ Presumed Deceased ☠️
Benjen's horse returns to Castle Black from beyond the Wall without him.


Bran sees a young Benjen in one of his visions.


Bran sees a young Benjen in one of his visions.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Benjen sacrifices himself so Jon Snow can escape the wights beyond the Wall.

Jon Snow 

Jon Snow was born a bastard of House Stark


Jon denounced ties to any House when he joined the Night's Watch as a steward. He was named Lord Commander in S05E02. He ends his watch in S06E03 and reclaims his affiliation with House Stark. In S08E06, Jon is exiled back to the Night's Watch as punishment for assassinating Daenerys Targaryen.


In S07E07, it is revealed that Jon was legitimately born as Aegon Targaryen into House Targaryen. His parents are Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Jon is betrayed at Castle Black and killed by members of the Night's Watch.


Jon is dead for most of this episode but is resurrected by Melisandre in the final moments.


Bran sees Jon Snow kill a White Walker in one of his visions.

Talisa Maegyr-Stark 

Talisa married into House Stark when she married Robb Stark


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Talisa is killed by one of Walder Frey's men at the Red Wedding where the Boltons and Freys betrayed the Starks.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Talisa is killed by Lothar Frey during the Red Wedding where the Boltons and Freys betrayed the Starks.

💍 Robb Stark 💍 Robb 💍 Robb 💍 Robb
Lyanna Stark 

Lyanna was born into House Stark


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Lyanna dies after giving birth to Aegon Targaryen aka Jon Snow.


Bran sees/hears a young Lyanna in one of his visions.


Bran sees a young Lyanna in one of his visions.


Bran sees a young Lyanna in one of his visions.


Bran watches Lyanna marry Rhaegar Targaryen in one of his visions.

The Iron Islands
Theon Greyjoy 

Theon was born into House Greyjoy.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Theon is killed by the Night King when he makes a last-ditch effort to protect Bran during the Battle of Winterfell.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Theon is killed by the Night King when he makes a last-ditch effort to protect Bran during the Battle of Winterfell. He is cremated in a mass funeral at Winterfell the following day.

King Balon Greyjoy 

Balon was born into House Greyjoy.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Balon is thrown off a bridge to his death by his brother, Euron Greyjoy, in a power struggle.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Balon is thrown off a bridge to his death by his brother, Euron Greyjoy, in a power struggle.

Princess Yara Greyjoy 

Yara was born into House Greyjoy

King Euron Greyjoy 

Euron was born into House Greyjoy. Aeron and Balon Greyjoy are his brothers. He usurps Yara and becomes King of the Iron Islands in S06E05.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Jaime Lannister fights off and kills Euron when Euron tried to prevent Jaime from accessing the Red Keep during the seige on King's Landing.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Jaime Lannister fights off and kills Euron when Euron tried to prevent Jaime from accessing the Red Keep during the seige on King's Landing.

Aeron Greyjoy 

Aeron was born into House Greyjoy. Balon and Euron Greyjoy are his brothers.

House Tyrell
Loras Tyrell 

Loras was born into House Tyrell


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Loras is killed at the Sept of Baelor when Cersei Lannister plots to blow it up.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Loras is killed at the Sept of Baelor when Cersei Lannister plots to blow it up.

Queen Margaery Tyrell 

Margaery was born into House Tyrell


Margaery married into House Baratheon when she married Renly then Joffrey then Tommen Baratheon


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Margaery is killed at the Sept of Baelor when Cersei Lannister plots to blow it up.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Margaery is killed at the Sept of Baelor when Cersei Lannister plots to blow it up.

💍 Renly ☠️ 💍 Joffrey ☠️ 💍 Tommen 💍 Tommen 💍 Tom 💍 Tom 💍 Tommen 💍 Tom
Lady Olenna Tyrell 

Olenna was born into House Tyrell


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Highgarden is seized by Jaime Lannister's army. We do not see Lady Olenna die, but she willingly drinks Jaime's poison before confessing to murdering Joffrey, stating "Tell Cersei. I want her to know it was me."


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Highgarden is seized by Jaime Lannister's army. We do not see Lady Olenna die, but she willingly drinks Jaime's poison before confessing to murdering Joffrey, stating "Tell Cersei. I want her to know it was me."

Mace Tyrell 

Mace was born into House Tyrell


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Mace is killed at the Sept of Baelor when Cersei Lannister plots to blow it up.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Mace is killed at the Sept of Baelor when Cersei Lannister plots to blow it up.

Council, Staff, Kingsguard, Soldiers
Ser Sandor Clegane 

Sandor was born into House Clegane


Sandor was appointed to the Kingsguard by King Joffrey Baratheon. He abandoned his position during the Battle of the Blackwater in S02E09

 (Hound) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
After a lifetime of resentment and dispute, brothers Sandor and Gregor Clegane brawl during the seige on King's Landing. They ultimately plummet to their death when Sandor tackles Gregor and knocks them through a castle wall.


☠️ Presumed Deceased ☠️
Sandor was fatally wounded when he fell off a cliff while dueling Brienne of Tarth. Instead of mercy killing him, Arya Stark left him to die.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
After a lifetime of resentment and dispute, brothers Sandor and Gregor Clegane brawl during the seige on King's Landing. They ultimately plummet to their death when Sandor tackles Gregor and knocks them through a castle wall.

Ser Jorah Mormont 

Jorah was born into House Mormont. His father is Lord Commandor Jeor Mormont.

 (Dany's ally) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Jorah succumbs to his injuries after successfully protecting Daenerys Targaryen during the Battle of Winterfell. He is cremated in a mass funeral at Winterfell the following day.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Jorah succumbs to his injuries after successfully protecting Daenerys Targaryen during the Battle of Winterfell. He is cremated in a mass funeral at Winterfell the following day.

Rodrik Cassel (Stark master-at-arms) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Rodrick was executed by Theon in Winterfell when the latter betrayed the Starks.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Rodrick was executed by Theon in Winterfell when the latter betrayed the Starks.


Bran sees a young Rodrik in one of his visions.


Bran sees a young Rodrik in one of his visions.

Maester Luwin (Stark's maester) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Maester Luwin is fatally wounded in Winterfell when Theon betrayed the Starks. As he lay dying, Osha mercy kills him with a dagger.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Maester Luwin is fatally wounded in Winterfell when Theon betrayed the Starks. As he lay dying, Osha mercy kills him with a dagger.

Hodor (House Stark's stableboy) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Hodor sacrifices himself and holds the door so Meera and Bran can escape the wights at the Weirwood Tree.


Bran sees a young Hodor aka Wylis in one of his visions.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Hodor sacrifices himself and holds the door so Meera and Bran can escape the wights at the Weirwood Tree.

Ser Ilyn Payne (King's Justice) 👁

Bran sees Ilyn Payne execute Ned Stark in one of his visions.

Syrio Forel ☠️

☠️ Presumed Deceased ☠️
Syrio defended Arya against Lannister guards to buy her time to flee. He is assumed dead after being last seen surrounded by three Lannister Kingsguard.


☠️ Presumed Deceased ☠️
Syrio defended Arya against Lannister guards to buy her time to flee. He is assumed dead after being last seen surrounded by three Lannister Kingsguard.

Ser Barristan Selmy 

Barristan served in the Kingsguard under Kings Aerys II Targaryen & Robert Baratheon. Cersei dismissed him as Lord Commander when Joffrey became King.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Barristan was killed by the Sons of the Harpy in Meereen.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Barristan was killed by the Sons of the Harpy in Meereen.

Grand Maester Pycelle ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Pycelle is killed by Maester Qyburn's little birds so he can "usher in the new".


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Pycelle is killed by Maester Qyburn's little birds so he can "usher in the new".

Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish  ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Sansa and Arya Stark kill Lord Baelish as punishment for a multitude of crimes including murder and treason.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Sansa and Arya Stark kill Lord Baelish as punishment for a multitude of crimes including murder and treason.

💍 Lysa 💍 Lysa ☠️
Lord Varys ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Varys began conspiring to place Jon Snow (born Aegon Targaryen) on the Irone Throne instead of Daenerys Targaryen. For this, Daenerys sentences him to death and commands Drogon to execute him.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Varys began conspiring to place Jon Snow (born Aegon Targaryen) on the Irone Throne instead of Daenerys Targaryen. For this, Daenerys sentences him to death and commands Drogon to execute him.

Ser Bronn (Tyrion & Jaime's ally)
Gregor Clegane   (The Mountain) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
After a lifetime of resentment and dispute, brothers Sandor and Gregor Clegane brawl during the seige on King's Landing. They ultimately plummet to their death when Sandor tackles Gregor and knocks them through a castle wall.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
After a lifetime of resentment and dispute, brothers Sandor and Gregor Clegane brawl during the seige on King's Landing. They ultimately plummet to their death when Sandor tackles Gregor and knocks them through a castle wall.

Ser Meryn Trant  ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Arya Stark, disguised as a young prostitute, kills Meryn Trant as revenge for murdering her water dancing instructor, Syrio Forel.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Arya Stark, disguised as a young prostitute, kills Meryn Trant as revenge for murdering her water dancing instructor, Syrio Forel.

Shae ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Shae is strangled to death by Tyrion Lannister after she falsely accused him of murdering Joffrey then had an affair with his father, Tywin.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Shae is strangled to death by Tyrion Lannister after she falsely accused him of murdering Joffrey then had an affair with his father, Tywin.

Melisandre (Red Priestess) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
After returning to the North to help the Starks win the Battle of Winterfell, Melisandre takes off her enchanted necklace for the final time, revealing her true self, and dies in the snow.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
After returning to the North to help the Starks win the Battle of Winterfell, Melisandre takes off her enchanted necklace for the final time, revealing her true self, and dies in the snow.

Dontos Hollard ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Dontos was shot with crossbows by Petyr Baelish's men after helping Sansa flee King's Landing following Joffrey's assassination. Petyr feared Dontos would ultimately confess the escape plan to the Lannisters.

Ser Davos Seaworth
Podrick Payne 

In S08E06, Pod is knighted under King Bran the Broken and is appointed to the Kingsguard.

Brienne of Tarth 

Brienne was born into House Tarth


Brienne served in the Kingsguard under King Renly Baratheon until his death. She is knighted by Ser Jaime Lannister in S08E03. In S08E06, she is named Lord Commander of the Kingsguard under King Bran the Broken.

Dagmer ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Dagmer was killed by Ramsay Bolton's soldiers in Winterfell.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Dagmer was killed by Ramsay Bolton's soldiers in Winterfell.

Maester Qyburn ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Qyburn is killed by Ser Gregor Clegane when he tries to prevent the Clegane brothers from sparring in favor of protecting Cersei from the crumbling Red Keep.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Qyburn is killed by Ser Gregor Clegane when he tries to prevent the Clegane brothers from sparring in favor of protecting Cersei from the crumbling Red Keep.

Missandei (Astapor, Dany's Advisor) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Missandei was executed in front of Daenerys, Grey Worm, Tyrion, and Varys by Ser Meryn Trant at Cersei Lannister's command. Her last words were "dracarys."


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Missandei was executed in front of Daenerys, Grey Worm, Tyrion, and Varys by Ser Meryn Trant at Cersei Lannister's command. Her last words were "dracarys."

Grey Worm (Unsullied, Dany's ally)
Mossador (Meereen, Dany's ally) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Mossador was executed by Daario Naharis as punishment for killing one of Daenerys's prisoners without her permission.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Mossador was executed by Daario Naharis as punishment for killing one of Daenerys's prisoners without her permission.

Areo Hotah (Martell guard) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Areo was killed by Tyene Sand when the Sand Snakes assassinated the Martells.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Areo was killed by Tyene Sand when the Sand Snakes assassinated the Martells.

Maester Wolkan
Captain Strickland ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Grey Worm kills Captain Strickland when Daenerys Targaryen's army invades King's Landing.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Grey Worm kills Captain Strickland when Daenerys Targaryen's army invades King's Landing.

Night's Watch
Rast  ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Rast betrays the Night's Watch and is killed during a small battle Craster's Keep.

Alliser Thorne 

Alliser is a long-time Ranger for the Night's Watch. Jon named him First Ranger in S05E03.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Alliser is hanged at Castle Black as punishment for killing Jon Snow.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Alliser is hanged at Castle Black as punishment for killing Jon Snow.


Yoren was a travelling recruiter for the Night's Watch.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Yoren is killed by Lannister soldiers when they intercepted the Night's Watch to take Gendry.

Jeor Mormont 

Jeor was born into House Mormont. His son is Ser Jorah Mormont.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Jeor is killed at Craster's Keep where members of the Night's Watch betrayed him.

Pypar  ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Pyp is killed by a Wildling during the Battle at Castle Black.

Grenn  ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Grenn is killed by a Wildling giant during the Battle of Castle Black.

Janos Slynt 

Janos was exiled to the Night's Watch by Tyrion in S02E02. When he Jon became Lord Commander, he gave Janos command of Greyguard. When Janos denied this order, Jon executed him.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Janos is executed by Jon Snow for denying orders at Castle Black.

Othell Yarwyck 

Othell Yarwyck is the First Builder of the Night's Watch.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Othell is hanged at Castle Black as punishment for killing Jon Snow.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Othell is hanged at Castle Black as punishment for killing Jon Snow.

Eddison Tollett 

Edd is first introduced as a steward in the Night's Watch. Under Jon's leadership, he proves himself as a ranger in battle. Jon names Edd his successor as Lord Commander in S06E03.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Edd is killed by a wight during the Battle of Winterfell. He is cremated in a mass funeral at Winterfell the following day.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Edd is killed by a wight during the Battle of Winterfell. He is cremated in a mass funeral at Winterfell the following day.

Qhorin  ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Qhorin instructs Jon Snow to kill him so the latter can earn the Wildings' trust.

Locke  (infiltrator) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Locke infiltrated the Night's Watch in an attempt to kidnap Bran. He is killed by Hodor (warged by Bran) at Craster's Keep.

Karl Tanner  ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Karl betrays the Night's Watch and is killed in a small battle at Craster's Keep.


After the Wildlings killed his parents, Olly fled to Castle Black where he joined the Night's Watch. After being named Lord Commander, Jon Snow appointed Olly as his steward.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Olly is hanged at Castle Black as punishment for killing Jon Snow.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Olly is hanged at Castle Black as punishment for killing Jon Snow.

Bowen Marsh  ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Bowen is hanged at Castle Black as punishment for killing Jon Snow.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Bowen is hanged at Castle Black as punishment for killing Jon Snow.

House Tarly
Samwell Tarly 

Sam was born into House Tarly.


When Sam vows himself to the Night's Watch, he is assigned as a steward to help Maester Aemon in the library. In S06E10, he arrives to Old Towne for his own maester training so he can become a maester of the Night's Watch. After advancing his Maester training and joining the Starks for the Battle of Winterfell, Sam returns to House Tarly and leaves the Night's Watch.

Lord Randyll Tarly  ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Daenerys Targaryen commands Drogon to execute Lord Randyll Tarly and Dickon Tarly for refusing to bend the knee.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Daenerys Targaryen commands Drogon to execute Lord Randyll Tarly and Dickon Tarly for refusing to bend the knee.

💍 Mel 💍 Melessa Tarly
Lady Melessa Tarly  
💍 Rand
Dickon Tarly  ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Daenerys Targaryen commands Drogon to execute Lord Randyll Tarly and Dickon Tarly for refusing to bend the knee.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Daenerys Targaryen commands Drogon to execute Lord Randyll Tarly and Dickon Tarly for refusing to bend the knee.

Talla Tarly  
The Vale of Arryn
Lysa Arryn    ☠️ ☠️
💍 Petyr 💍 Petyr
Sweetrobin Arryn 
Yohn Royce 
Lady Anya Waynwood
House Frey
Lord Walder Frey  (Crossing) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Arya Stark disguises herself as a maiden so she can sneak into The Twins and kill the Freys as revenge for murdering her mother and brother. She bakes Lothar and Black Walder into meat pies and feeds them to Lord Walder before slitting his throat.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Arya Stark disguises herself as a maiden so she can sneak into The Twins and kill the Freys as revenge for murdering her mother and brother. She bakes Lothar and Black Walder into meat pies and feeds them to Lord Walder before slitting his throat. In S07E01, Arya disguises herself as Walder Frey to poison the rest of the Frey clan and soldiers.

💍 Joy 💍 Joy ☠️ 💍 Kitty 💍 Kitty
Lothar Frey  (Crossing) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Arya Stark disguises herself as a maiden so she can sneak into The Twins and kill the Freys as revenge for murdering her mother and brother. She bakes Lothar and Black Walder into meat pies and feeds them to Lord Walder before slitting his throat.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Arya Stark disguises herself as a maiden so she can sneak into The Twins and kill the Freys as revenge for murdering her mother and brother. She bakes Lothar and Black Walder into meat pies and feeds them to Lord Walder before slitting his throat.

Black Walder  (Crossing) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Arya Stark disguises herself as a maiden so she can sneak into The Twins and kill the Freys as revenge for murdering her mother and brother. She bakes Lothar and Black Walder into meat pies and feeds them to Lord Walder before slitting his throat.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Arya Stark disguises herself as a maiden so she can sneak into The Twins and kill the Freys as revenge for murdering her mother and brother. She bakes Lothar and Black Walder into meat pies and feeds them to Lord Walder before slitting his throat.

House Bolton
Lord Roose Bolton 

Roose was born into House Bolton.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Ramsay Bolton kills Roose to secure his place as the House Bolton heir.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Ramsay Bolton kills Roose to secure his place as the House Bolton heir.


Bran sees Roose kill Robb Stark in one of his visions.

💍 Walda 💍 Walda 💍 Walda 💍 Walda 💍 Walda 💍 Walda
Ramsay Bolton 

Orginally born a bastard and named Snow, Ramsay was officially legitimized into House Bolton by royal decree in S04E08.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
After being defeated at the Battle of the Bastards, Ramsay is locked in the kennel with the starving hounds that devour him as Sansa watches.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
After being defeated at the Battle of the Bastards, Ramsay is locked in the kennel with the starving hounds that devour him as Sansa watches.

💍 Sansa Stark 💍 Sansa Stark 💍 Sansa
Walda Bolton 

Walda was born into House Frey.


Walda married into House Bolton when she married Roose Bolton.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Ramsay Bolton orders the hounds to kill Walda and her newborn son in order to secure his place as the House Bolton heir.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Ramsay Bolton orders the hounds to kill Walda and her newborn son in order to secure his place as the House Bolton heir.

💍 Roose 💍 Roose 💍 Roose 💍 Roose
Essos Masters & Rulers
Spice King (Qarth) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
The Spice King is killed by Xaro Xhoan Daxos & Pyat Pree's allies in an attempt to overthrow Qarth.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
The Spice King is killed by Xaro Xhoan Daxos & Pyat Pree's allies in an attempt to overthrow Qarth.

Xaro Xhoan Daxos (Qarth) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Daenerys Targaryen locks Xaro in a vault with Doreah when they tried to overthrow and murder her.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Daenerys Targaryen locks Xaro in a vault with Doreah when they tried to overthrow and murder her.

Pyat Pree (Qarth) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Daenerys Targaryen's dragons execute Pyat Pree at her command in the House of the Undying.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Daenerys Targaryen's dragons execute Pyat Pree at her command in the House of the Undying.

Kraznys mo Nakloz (Astapor) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Daenerys Targaryen's tricks Kraznys into trading a dragon for the Unsullied and Missandei, then has the dragon kill him.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Daenerys Targaryen's tricks Kraznys into trading a dragon for the Unsullied and Missandei, then has the dragon kill him.

Razdal mo Eraz (Yunkai) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Grey Worm kills Razdal when the Masters of Slaver's Bay betray Daenerys and attack Meereen.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Grey Worm kills Razdal when the Masters of Slaver's Bay betray Daenerys and attack Meereen.

Daario Naharis 

Daario is Captain of the Second Sons.

 (Second Sons)
Hizdahr zo Loraq (Meereen) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Hizdahr was killed by a Son of the Harpy during an ambush at the Fighting Pit.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Hizdahr was killed by a Son of the Harpy during an ambush at the Fighting Pit.

Malko (Slave ship captain)
Yezzan zo Qaggaz (Slave trader)
The North
Greatjon Umber (Last Hearth) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
The Greatjon dies at some point during the War of the Five Kings.

Rickard Karstark (Karhold) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Robb Stark executed Rickard as punishment for murdering Martyn and Willem Lannister.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Robb Stark executed Rickard as punishment for murdering Martyn and Willem Lannister.

Harald Karstark (Karhold) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
We do not see Harald die, but it is presumed he was killed in the Battle of the Bastards.


☠️ Presumed Deceased ☠️
We do not see Harald die, but it is presumed he was killed in the Battle of the Bastards.

Smalljon Umber (Last Hearth) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Jon is killed by Tormund Giantsbane during the Battle of the Bastards.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Jon is killed by Tormund Giantsbane during the Battle of the Bastards.

Lady Lyanna Mormont 

Lyanna was born into House Mormont

(Bear Island) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Lyanna succumbs to her injuries after killing a wight giant during the Battle of Winterfell.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Lyanna succumbs to her injuries after killing a wight giant during the Battle of Winterfell. She is cremated in a mass funeral at Winterfell the following day.

Lord Robett Glover (Deepwood Motte)
Lord Cley Cerwyn (Castle Cerwyn)
Lord Wyman Manderly (White Harbor)
Ned Umber (Last Hearth) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Ned is killed and crucified by the Night King and left as a warning discovered by Edd and Tormund. His body then re-animates so they set him on fire.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Ned is killed and crucified by the Night King and left as a warning discovered by Edd and Tormund. His body then re-animates so they set him on fire.

Alys Karstark (Karhold) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
We do not see her death, but it is presumed that Alys died during the Battle of Winterfell. She was one of the rangers set to defend Bran against the Night King, and Theon is clearly shown as Bran's last standing defense.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
We do not see her death, but it is presumed that Alys died during the Battle of Winterfell. She was one of the rangers set to defend Bran against the Night King, and Theon is clearly shown as Bran's last standing defense.

Khal Drogo ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Daenerys smothers Drogo with a pillow after the maegi Mirri Maz Duur leaves him vegitative using blood magic.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Daenerys smothers Drogo with a pillow after the maegi Mirri Maz Duur leaves him vegitative using blood magic.


When inside the House of the Undying, Daenerys enters a fantasy where she sees Drogo with their unborn son.

💍 Daenerys 💍 Daenerys Targaryen
Doreah ☠️

☠️ Presumed Deceased ☠️
Daenerys Targaryen locks Doreah in a vault with Xaro Xhoan Daxos when they tried to overthrow and murder her.


☠️ Presumed Deceased ☠️
Daenerys Targaryen locks Doreah in a vault with Xaro Xhoan Daxos when they tried to overthrow and murder her.

Khal Moro ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Daenerys burns all the Khals in the Dosh Khaleen to escape.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Daenerys burns all the Khals in the Dosh Khaleen to escape.

Qhono ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Qhono is killed during the Battle of Winterfell. He is cremated in a mass funeral at Winterfell the following day.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Qhono is killed during the Battle of Winterfell. He is cremated in a mass funeral at Winterfell the following day.

Ros (Prostitute, Littlefinger's brothel) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Joffrey Baratheon kills Ros with a crossbow as a demented game.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Joffrey Baratheon kills Ros with a crossbow as a demented game.

Three-Eyed Raven ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
The Three-Eyed Raven is killed by the Night King of the White Walkers.


Bran sees the Three-Eyed Raven in one of his visions.


Bran sees the Three-Eyed Raven in one of his visions.


Bran sees the Three-Eyed Raven in one of his visions.


Bran sees the Three-Eyed Raven in one of his visions.


Bran sees the Three-Eyed Raven in one of his visions.


Bran sees the Three-Eyed Raven in one of his visions.


Bran sees the Three-Eyed Raven in one of his visions.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
The Three-Eyed Raven is killed by the Night King of the White Walkers.

Hot Pie (Baker)
Salladhor Saan (Pirate)
Jaqen H'ghar 

Jaquen is a Faceless Man

 (Faceless Men)
Jojen Reed (Greensight, Bran's ally) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Jojen is killed by wights before he could enter the Weirwood Tree.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Jojen is killed by wights before he could enter the Weirwood Tree.

Meera Reed (Bran's ally)
Olyvar (Prostitute, Littlefinger's brothel)
Myranda (Ramsey's mistress) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Theon (as Reek) threw Myranda over a balcony to protect Sansa.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Theon (as Reek) threw Myranda over a balcony to protect Sansa.

Night King (White Walker) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
The Night King is ambushed and killed by Arya Stark during the Battle of Winterfell. He captures her mid-attack, but she uses a signature maneuver to drop the Valyrian steel dagger into her free hand.


Bran sees the Night King in one of his visions.


Bran sees the Night King in one of his visions.


Bran sees the Night King in one of his visions.


Bran sees the Night King in one of his visions.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
The Night King is ambushed and killed by Arya Stark during the Battle of Winterfell. He captures her mid-attack, but she uses a signature maneuver to drop the Valyrian steel dagger into her free hand.

Tycho Nestoris (Iron Bank)
Leaf (The Children) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Leaf sacrifices herself to the wights so Bran, Hodor, and Meera can escape the Weirwood.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Leaf sacrifices herself to the wights so Bran, Hodor, and Meera can escape the Weirwood.


Bran sees Leaf create the first White Walker in one of his visions.

Ternesio Terys (Braavos)
The Waif 

The Waif is a Faceless Man

 (Faceless Men) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Arya Stark kills the Waif in self defense.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Arya Stark kills the Waif in self defense.

The High Sparrow (Sparrows) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
The High Sparrow is killed at the Sept of Baelor when Cersei Lannister plots to blow it up.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
The High Sparrow is killed at the Sept of Baelor when Cersei Lannister plots to blow it up.

Septa Unella (Septa, Sparrows) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Untella is left to be tortured at the hands of Ser Gregor Clegane. Cersei Lannister sadistically claims "you won't die for quite some time."


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Unella is left to be tortured at the hands of Ser Gregor Clegane. Cersei Lannister sadistically claims "you won't die for quite some time."

Lady Crane (Actress, Braavos) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Lady Crane is killed by the Waif. She was chosen for death by the Faceless Men for an unknown reason, but was also killed for aiding Arya Stark.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Lady Crane is killed by the Waif. She was chosen for death by the Faceless Men for an unknown reason, but was also killed for aiding Arya Stark.

Archmaester Ebrose (Old Towne Citadel)
Wildlings & Free Folk
Osha ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Ramsay Bolton kills Osha to prevent her from protecting Rickon and the Starks any further.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Ramsay Bolton kills Osha to prevent her from protecting Rickon and the Starks any further.

Craster (Craster's Keep) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Craster is killed by Karl Tanner, sparking the Mutiny of the Night's Watch.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Craster is killed by Karl Tanner, sparking the Mutiny of the Night's Watch.

Gilly (Craster's Keep)
Ygritte ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Olly shoots Ygritte with an arrow during the Battle of Castle Black.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Olly shoots Ygritte with an arrow during the Battle of Castle Black.

Lord of Bones ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Lord of Bones was beaten to death with his own staff by Tormund in Hardhome.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Lord of Bones was beaten to death with his own staff by Tormund in Hardhome.

Mance Rayder ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Stannis Baratheon burns Mance Rayder at the stake for refusing to kneel to him. Before he can be burned alive, Jon Snow mercy kills him with an arrow to the heart.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Stannis Baratheon burns Mance Rayder at the stake for refusing to kneel to him. Before he can be burned alive, Jon Snow mercy kills him with an arrow to the heart.

Tormund Giantsbane
Orell ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Jon Snow kills Orell to defend himself after refusing to take part in the killing of an innocent farmer.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Jon Snow kills Orell to defend himself after refusing to take part in the killing of an innocent farmer.

Styr (Thenns) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Jon Snow kills Styr during the Battle of Castle Black.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Jon Snow kills Styr during the Battle of Castle Black.

Wun Wun ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
After successfully breaking into Winterfell, Wun Wun is killed by Ramsay Bolton.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
After successfully breaking into Winterfell, Wun Wun is killed by Ramsay Bolton.

Brotherhood Without Banners
Beric Dondarrion ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Beric succumbs to his injuries after being attacked by a mob of wights during the Battle of Winterfell. He is cremated in a mass funeral at Winterfell the following day.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Beric succumbs to his injuries after being attacked by a mob of wights during the Battle of Winterfell. He is cremated in a mass funeral at Winterfell the following day.

Thoros of Myr (Red Priest) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
After being attacked by a wight bear beyond the Wall, Thoros freezes to death in his sleep.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
After being attacked by a wight bear beyond the Wall, Thoros freezes to death in his sleep.

Yem (rogue) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Sandor Clegane collaborates with the Brotherhood to kill Yem as revenge for ransacking and massacring Brother Ray's village.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Sandor Clegane collaborates with the Brotherhood to kill Yem as revenge for ransacking and massacring Brother Ray's village.

Gatins (rogue) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Sandor Clegane kills Gatins as revenge for ransacking and massacring Brother Ray's village.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Sandor Clegane kills Gatins as revenge for ransacking and massacring Brother Ray's village.

Morgan (rogue) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Sandor Clegane kills Morgan as revenge for ransacking and massacring Brother Ray's village.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Sandor Clegane kills Morgan as revenge for ransacking and massacring Brother Ray's village.

House Tully
Brynden Tully 

Brynden was born into House Tully. Catelyn Tully-Stark & Edmure Tully are his neice and nephew.


Edmure has a personlized sigil as the Blackfish.

(Blackfish) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
While his death is not shown on-screen, a Lannister soldier announces to Jaime Lannister that Brynden died fighting off their men.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
While his death is not shown on-screen, a Lannister soldier announces to Jaime Lannister that Brynden died fighting off their men.

Edmure Tully 

Edmure was born into House Tully. Catelyn Tully-Stark is his sister. Brynden Tully is his uncle.

💍 Roslin 💍 Roslin Frey 💍 Ros
Prince Oberyn Martell ☠️ ☠️
Prince Doran Martell ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Doran was killed by Ellaria Sand. She was dissatisfied with his leadership and did not want the same peace with the Lannisters as him.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Doran was killed by Ellaria Sand. She was dissatisfied with his leadership and did not want the same peace with the Lannisters as him.

Prince Trystane Martell ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Trystane was killed by Obara Sand when the Sand Snakes assassinated the Martells.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Trystane was killed by Obara Sand when the Sand Snakes assassinated the Martells.

Ellaria Sand (Sand Snakes) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Ellaria is never seen again after being locked in the Red Keep's dungeon with her daughter, Tyene. Cersie Lannister plans to not kill her immediately and to instead concoct the perfect plan for a slow, torturous death.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Ellaria is never seen again after being locked in the Red Keep's dungeon with her daughter, Tyene. Cersie Lannister plans to not kill her immediately and to instead concoct the perfect plan for a slow, torturous death.

Obara Sand (Sand Snakes) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Obara is stabbed by Euron Greyjoy when he abushed Yara Greyjoy's fleet.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Obara is stabbed by Euron Greyjoy when he abushed Yara Greyjoy's fleet.

Nymeria Sand (Sand Snakes) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Nymeria is strangled by Euron Greyjoy when he abushed Yara Greyjoy's fleet.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Nymeria is strangled by Euron Greyjoy when he abushed Yara Greyjoy's fleet.

Tyene Sand (Sand Snakes) ☠️

☠️ Deceased ☠️
Cersei Lannister kisses Tyene while wearing lipstick infused with The Long Farewell, a deadly poison.


☠️ Deceased ☠️
Cersei Lannister kisses Tyene while wearing lipstick infused with The Long Farewell, a deadly poison.